Thursday 30 January 2014

Long Absence - Busy, busy, busy!

Hi all,

First of all I would like to apologize for my long absence from the blog, I've been really, super, duper busy recently with my degree.  The upside is that I have generated a LOT of Illustrations.

Also, it is worth posting that I have a new website which I will be using as my portfolio!  Click here to visit it.

Okay!  So, here is some of the work that I have been doing:

Sequential Image Making

Thomas Gomes "Moth in a Bottle" 2013

My first foray into the world of comics and sequential images.  This is a story about a moth that becomes trapped in a bottle and cast out at sea.  I'm really please with the results of this comic, I love the colour palette and character.  My favourite part has to be the underwater panels.

Editorial Illustration

Thomas Gomes "Gadget Editorial" 2013
I have shown my interest in Editorial Illustration on this blog before, however I never explored it to the extent that I have with my degree.  Bellow are some illustration I have done for some articles (not real commissions).  Each one had its own set of problems to be solved.  Through all the stress I found out that I have a genuine LOVE of editorial illustration! 

Thomas Gomes "Net Generation Editorial" 2013
Thomas Gomes "Net Generation Cover" 2013

Thomas Gomes "Omid Editorial" 2013

Thomas Gomes "Privacy VS Facebook" 2013

Observational Drawings

As you might have noticed from my editorial work, my illustrations are following a very particular style, this is something that I am currently exploring with my work.  I have used this style of illustration on a couple of observational drawings:

Thomas Gomes "Apple Observational Drawing" 2014
Thomas Gomes "Tiger" 2014

For those of you interested in buying a canvas, t-shirt or ipod case of the "Tiger" illustration, you can go to my Society6 Page.

Phew!  Hope you like all the illustrations and I hope this update finds you all well in the New Year!

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