Thursday 26 September 2013

Illustration - Alternative Travel

Thomas Gomes "Alternative Travel" 2013
I've had this idea for a couple of weeks now and ended up scribbling it in my sketchbook of; a boat being pulled along by a balloon, almost like an alternative to sails.

Anyway, so I had this idea sitting in my sketchbook and came across it yesterday, I really liked it and wanted to develop it into a full, completed illustration.  I did what I usually do, making a pencil version on thick paper and then overlaying it with black ink before scanning it into the computer and editing it in photoshop.  I did have a problem with the ocean.  I wanted to have a texture which complimented the rest of the illustration, but also linked in well with the ocean.  I found a photo texture I had taken a couple of years ago of some rocks and added it into the illustration using the "Overlay" layer mode.  I'm very pleased with the result and would be happy with any feedback people could offer.

If you would like to use this image then please use the "Contact Me" panel on the right side of the blog.  Also, if you would like this illustration on a t-shirt, laptop skin or as a print on canvas then go to my Society6 page here.

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