Wednesday 25 September 2013

Stock Image - Feet

Thomas Gomes "Feet" (Stock Image) 2013
So I was working on a logo design for my Dad's reflexology business and wanted to create a pair of feet as a background or even as the logo for the business.

Ultimately he wanted to go for a different logo design but I still really loved the look of these feet.  Originally the feet were just black and white with a blank background but, seeing as I was putting the design up on my blog, I wanted to edit the illustration in my style.

I consider this sort of illustration as a "Stock Image" in that it can have several uses in various situations and doesn't have a specific meaning or idea to convey.  For example, if you wanted an image for a leaflet about caring for your feet or, like my Dad, you wanted to have a design of some kind for reflexology.  The illustration is designed to be used by different people with different needs.

If you are interested in using this image please use the "Contact Me" box on the right of the blog.

Also, just a general update, I'm going to be returning to my illustration degree course at the end of September so it might be a little bit quiet on this blog for a while.  However I do intend to update the blog as much as possible with the work I have made on my course.

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