Monday, 10 June 2013

Development of Sci Fi Drones

Concepts in development progress
So, having created a large sheet featuring around 20 different silhouette concepts (original post here), I have decided to develop three of the designs based on some feedback that I received.  The three favourite designs were number 2, 3 and 13.  Number 2 was particularly popular and was likened to a shrimp! 

Now that I have three silhouettes chosen I put them into a new document and then separated them into different layers, re-labeling them as 1, 2 and 3.  I choose my first concept, tidy up the silhouette and start painting in black and white (I can add colour later on...) allowing me to further suggest detail and giving the silhouette more personality.  Once I have done this to all three designs the client can choose a single design which they want developed.  When the design is chosen I can develop it further and eventually make an Orthographic concept page for 3D modelling...

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