Wednesday 12 June 2013

Final development of Sci Fi Drones

Here are the three finished concepts for the Sci Fi Drone, now labeled as 1,2 and 3. 

As you can see these designs are more developed than the simple silhouettes that they started off as.  With each concept I started with my basic silhouette and then began rendering it in gray scale.  If I want to experiment with colour and patterns I can do this at a later date.  At this point I would ask the client to choose a favourite design and then continue to develop the concept.  My personal favourite is number 2.  I love the almost jellyfish/turtle way this concept has developed, although I still love the "Shrimp" like shape of design number 1.  I'm very interested in people's thoughts and opinions so please feel free to contribute and share this blog post via Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

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